It might not be exactly what you might think of when you hear the word mission. In many other churches and organizations they go on mission trips as well. However, these often times are only for a few weeks or a month or so, and these groups go together to help build a school, work in an orphanage or some kind of service related thing while sort of expressing their Christian ideals. While these are great things and it's wonderful that there are caring people who go out and help others throughout the world a mission for the LDS church is different in many aspects.
Most young men (not all, it is a personal choice to go although it is advised) in the church at the age of 18 go on missions for 2 years. The young women in the church at 19 have the opportunity to go for 18 months. Both men and women don't HAVE to go at this age, they can go later by a certain amount of years. (I am 21 and just heading out)
The process includes filling out papers, doctors physicals/dentists appts, and an interview with your Bishop and Stake President. After all that is done the "papers" (online) are sent to the First Presidency and Apostles of the church. They, through the promptings of the Holy Ghost, assign you to somewhere in the world; within the United States or not. There really are very few places in the world where missionaries aren't allowed. This assignment, or calling, we know to be from God, our Heavenly Father who knows exactly where we need to be and will be most successful in helping others and for our own personal growth.
So what is it that we DO for this time?
We are called as representatives of Jesus Christ. Our main duty is to help those we come in contact with and teach come to an understanding of the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ and bring them closer to Him through baptism. We also help less active members of the church as well as the active members in our areas. Not only do we preach of Jesus Christ and his gospel and the knowledge, happiness and peace it brings to our lives but we participate in service for anyone who needs it.
Because we want to be as close to our Heavenly Father as possible on our mission and have the spirit with us continually there are some guidelines we follow to help us achieve this.
Music: "Listen only to music that is consistent with the sacred spirit of your calling. Music should invite the Spirit, help you focus on the work, and direct your thoughts and feelings to the Savior. Do not listen to music that pulls your thoughts away from your work, merely entertains, has romantic lyrics or overtones, or dulls your spiritual sensitivity by its tempo, beat, loudness, lyrics, or intensity."
Entertainment: "Do not watch television, go to movies, listen to the
radio, or use the Internet (except to communicate with
your family or your mission president or as otherwise
authorized). Watch only videos or DVDs that have
been authorized by the Church or your mission president." "You are not authorized to have a personal computer.
Do not use a computer except to communicate with
your family or your mission president."
We also desire to uphold a certain appearance. As ambassadors of the Lord we want to dress professional and conservative. As Sister missionaries we wear dresses or skirts.
"Choose attractive, colorful blouses and tops that you can mix and match with a variety of skirts."
Our dear Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson said the following:
"You can dress attractively without being immodest. Within the Lord’s guidelines, there is room for you to be lively, vibrant, and beautiful both in your dress and in your actions."
We want to present ourselves well but not be flashy. We don't want to detract anything from the spirit or our message.
A missionary's schedule is also a bit different to most people.
Everyday is a day of lessons, proselytizing, or planning and studying. We have one day a week, called Preparation Day (P-Day) where we wash our clothes, go grocery shopping, email/write letters to friends and family, and if we have time participate in some kind of activity we wouldn't be able to do on the normal days. Then of course every Sunday we attend Church.
This post, although it IS a synopsis of an LDS missionary, still turned out to be way longer than I anticipated!! (not as brief as I had hoped, I have issues with condensing things) BUT, I hope in some way...if you read it all... it helped you come to a better understanding of what I will be doing with my time for the next year and a half!! :)
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