Not a whole lot happened this week at the CCM... or at least that I care to disclose in this blog ;) haha So I am just going to do a couple bullet points of things I could come up with. And AFTER there will be some pictures because we just found out we can now email pictures!! :)
--This week one of my companions accidently pulled a chair out from under my other companion and she fell to the floor. I felt awful, but I'm not going to lie, I thought it was quite hilarious.
--We had the delectable churros in the cafeteria here TWICE this week!
--I have now tried asking 2 North Americans where they are from in Spanish, thinking they were Latino, only to get a completely clear answer of California and Salt Lake in English. haha Whoops!
--I saw a big slug today at the Temple
--The new Hermanas got here last night and one is from Cardston, AB!
--The CCM President and his wife are nice, sometimes, but they are super scary. 0.0
Yep, thats honestly all I could come up with for this week... Its just been classes and practice teaching! Pretty routine...
I hope you all enjoy the pictures and have a wonderful week!
Hermana Kiser
the beds is of course my room
a picture of me with the soccer field.
the 3 of us (my companionship) at the temple
district selfie at the temple
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